
Logo Stadt St.Gallen
112 International emergency call
117 Police
118 Fire brigade
143 Helping Hand
144 Ambulance
145 Tox Info Suisse – Swiss toxicological information centre
(from abroad: +41 44 251 51 51)
147 Helpline for children and young people
1414 Rega Swiss Air Rescue

Emergency services

0900 144 144 General practitioner emergency number 
(incurs fees)
0900 144 100 Paediatric emergency service 
(incurs fees)
0844 144 001 Emergency dental service
(incurs fees)
071 494 11 11 Emergency admission, St.Gallen Cantonal Hospital
071 282 74 74 Emergency admission, Stephanshorn Clinic

St.Gallen Municipal Utilities – for fault messages

0848 747 901 Electricity and district heating
0848 747 902
Gas and water